Viticulture "Trellis" Program
Agriculture, viticulture, hospitality and life skills with employment as the goal.
Three year suggested attendance after successfully completing a readiness evaluation.
This program is designed to help individuals with Aspergers and high functioning disabilities identify, develop, and achieve their goals while exploring opportunities to advance their education, employment, life skills, health, and well-being. D'Vine Path will actively seek and support work opportunities for its students in the agriculture and viticulture ​
During the first year, all students are required to take vocational and life skills classes to learn about health, fitness, nutrition, and general exposure to the hospitality, viticulture and agriculture industry.
During the second and third year, students will choose their area of interest in Viticulture, Enology or Hospitality; viticulture students will stay on D'Vine Path Farm and Vineyards or intern at local commercial vineyards/wineries and learn hands-on intensive training.
This is a suggested three year program, with required student attendance of class on Mondays and Wednesdays. Students in their third year will take a readiness evaluation to determine if they are ready to move forward while maintaining the healthy habits learned at D'Vine Path.

The Trellis Program is currently in session Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. All students are required to meet at D'Vine Path Farm and Vineyards at 9 a.m. and be picked up at 3:00 p.m., unless otherwise specified. Transportation will be provided to all off-site locations.
Physical Activity
(Health, Self-Advocacy)
Work in Vineyard
(Work-Ethic Training, Independence, Self-Sufficiency, Specialized Training)
12:00pm-1:00 pm
(Social Skills, Health, Independence)
Academic Curriculum
(Specialized Training, Work-Ethic Training, Knowledge and Comprehension)
Lifestyle Skills OR Performing Arts
(Social Skills, Independent Living, Creativity, Self-Expression, Safety)